Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Glorious Crown

Just like that, my hair was chopped.

By choice.

To those who know me, you must have already known that its a love-hate relationship when it comes to cutting my hair.

I will contemplate about it for days. Post on Facebook that I'm going to cut my hair and get all pumped up. Do a little research as to what style I want. Head to the salon. Chat with the stylist. And walla, chicken out. End of story.

Been doing that for about 10 years. Haha!

You see my friends, I have a problem letting it go. Especially when its been a part of me and my identity since...forever. I can't even remember when I had really short hair, probably when I was 9-10 years old?

I love having long hair.
I like it when Bubs plays with it.
I like how it gets all over my face (and the husband's face haha!) when I wake up in the morning.
I like the fact that its not high maintenance.
and of course I like how it crowns gloriously on my head. Hee.

This is me in January 2013. Flight attendant getting spoiled in Sephora NYC.

Well now, things have changed.
After all those years of tying my hair in a bun for work, accompanied with sleepless nights and weather changes, it started falling and looked limp.

Apparently hair drops even more after having a baby. Honestly I can't really tell the difference because it's been falling quite a bit since last year.

So yes it's been bugging me. To chop or not?

One fine day, which was last weekend, we went Christmas tree hunting. As we were walking up to a lot that sells Christmas stuff, I randomly decided to just do it cause there was a salon right in front of me.

The husband has heard this one too many times and he's like ok. 

I'm really going to do it.

I walked in, asked the stylist what style is suitable for me.

Now the husband was smiling, and be like I'm telling the stylist to make sure he cuts your hair once you've decided on the style.

But wait, what about Bubba? I have not gone to the salon since I gave birth. Yup. Pretty long eh.

Husband reassured me that Bubba will be fine with him, so off they went shopping.

After whinning to the stylist how long I have not cut my hair and this is pretty traumatising and I dont know if I should do this and...oh boy I was just blabbering, lets fast forward to the part the stylist chops of a chunk off my hair!!
Bahhhhhhh I felt faint. Nauseous.
The stylist, unfazed, however told me to relax and continued cutting.

Can't believe this is happening.

Ok woosa it off. Closed my eyes. 

Washed. Cut. Blow.

Dangggggggggg I am lovin it. 
Light. Bouncy. Neat. 

And did I say bouncy already?
Heeee I'm glad I chopped it off!!

Plus someone else washed my hair. That was awesome too.

I posted my new look in Facebook because I was pretty stoked about it hah!


As I'm writing this blog, I thought to myself, there are many mothers out there who fall for edited photos thinking it's real.
I fell for it too when I was younger, I thought those women in magazines where naturally flawless. BS!!

Plus one of the reasons I blog is to tell everyone that it's ok to be real. 

So here's one picture of a zombie eyed, no-facial-for-more-than-a-year skin, make-up free and a proud mama face.

* Dear sister, I know, I know, promise I'll get my eyebrows done this week.

I do look pretty tired haha!

Join me in real world ladies & gents!!!

Kisses of happiness from That Skinny Elephant.


  1. You look absolutely stunning! No matter short or long hair, you look beautiful to me. Love you long time!

  2. Holy mother. Aside from the obvious fact that you took a leap and went all spontaneous on the hair (which BTW I fully support and love); I would like to announce that motherhood has given you some REAL boobalicious days. Who cares about eyebrows; you drawing attention to the milk jugs mama! HAHAH I'm so "bad" but it's so true.

    1. Hahaha yes pretty blessed now, but isn't amazing how our body naturally changes to provide full nutrition to our lil ones? Our bodies are the most efficient machine, provided we take care of it. I'm guessing having my nutella fix one too many times is really not helping hah!
      p.s. I have always love the fact that spontaneity is your middle name too. Muaxxx!!

  3. Long or short....it's all beautiful.
