Monday, 1 June 2015

That Purple Beauty - Beaba Babycook

I was eyeing on this beauty
Beaba Babycook Solo
My soulies know me too well (I call my bestfriends soulies because simply said, we are soulmates). They booked it on Petit Suite and surprised me during my Baby Shower. Bless.
My beautiful Soulies
Photo credit : Sabine
Not only did they organize my baby shower with help from Ms All Things Pretty Party Planner aka Ms Babyclopedia aka my super awesome brother's wife, Krystal, they got me the Beaba Babycook Solo. 
One of my soulie is missing here cause she was busy with her thesis in a different part of the world. (Flying kisses to Padfoot!)
They know my love for desserts, Heee.
Photo credit: Sabine
The Beaba Babycook allows me to give Bubs a healthy start with his meals because it is so convenient for me to make them!

During my pregnancy, I pretty much decided that I was going to pureè Bubs food once he was ready to eat. BLW (baby led weaning) has its advantages but like I mentioned in my previous blog on Solids, it's too traumatising for my sanity.

And Ooooooh boy you got to wait for the best part.

We can't deny the fact that these days we need things to get done at a certain speed.
For the working mamas (FTWMs), you want to spend more time interacting with Bubs whereas the homemakers mama's (SAHMs), you would like a little time out once in awhile (note to self-it's ok, stop feeling guilty).
Hence instead of me being in the kitchen for...ever, I just have to Beaba Babycook it!

Step 1
Chop chop.
Pears & Peas
Step 2
Add water in that little hole.

Step 3
Press steam button. Wait 15 minutes. 
The Beaba Babycook lets out a beeping sound to let you know its ready and the steam light flashes.
Keep your distance when opening the lid due to the steam coming out.

Step 4
Blend. Or mash it.
Homemade Brown Rice Cereal & Broccoli
Want to make your own cereal too? Here's the link - Homemade Brown Rice Cereal

Step 5
Give em' to Bubs!
Puree's are smooth
See it's so easy.

Now the washing dishes phase.
Before I continue, did you realise suddenly you have something to wash frequently ever since you had a baby? I swear sometimes I feel that my relationship with the sink and washing machine is much closer than with my man.


Ok. Back to Beaba. Three things to wash. Thats it.

The blade, sieve and jug. Plus the cover if you blend.
Life just got simplified eh.

I must mention that the blade is removable. This means I'm able to wash it clean everytime after use. Some blenders has its blade fixed, and I can't really give it a thorough cleaning. Unless of course you get a really small brush to scrub, immerse in hot water, bla bla bla...yeah no. Enough time spent at the sink thank you very much.

You must be wondering what's the best part.
Well, it's the fact that you can operate Beaba Babycook with one hand!!
Once it's cooked, you can lift up the sieve using the spatula provided. I find that brilliant!

Our little ones are jolly one minute and the next they can be crying (think teething or growth spurts phases). Not a problem, you can still cook.
Real life saver this Beaba.
My sister is always ready with her manicured nails hence my star hand model there, tee hee.
I think it's important to have a separate blender and steamer for Bubs. This includes utensils when cooking for Bubs. By doing so, I'm minimising the risk of food contamination.
The Beaba Babycook Solo has a large capacity which allows you to prepare a big amount of pureè for freezing. Perfect for working mums like my sister.

In addition to that, this lil' beauty does not take up much counter space. I have a small kitchen thus the compact design is definitely a plus point. The plug-in is safely tucked in under the Beaba Babycook, so it looks neat and most importantly safe.

We are planning to travel next year, little did I know that the Beaba Babycook has a perfect bag. It's big enough to fit in the machine and baby food. It does come with a hefty price tag (Well not-so-hefty if you are a FTWM) but I couldn't resist.
Look at how it sits! Love!
Fits all three types of Beaba Babycook
There are a few Beaba Babycook designs, me and my sis has the solo and my sis in law has the original with size being the major difference. In my review, I'm showcasing two different colours, purple and grey, it does come in other colours too. 

My fellow mummypreneur on Petit Suite no longer orders the Beaba BabyCook, hence the revision of this post. Beaba Babycook however is now available at Happikiddo!!

Yes, that mummy store which is run by a mummy herself! I did a review for them recently and we are now collaborating to offer you a discount on any model of the Beaba Babycook from Happikiddo Stores.
Upon visiting their store, all you have to do is mention my blog " That Skinny Elephant" and provide the discount code above. This offer is valid from 2nd of June 2015 till 15th of June 2015.
It's only running for two weeks, so be sure to get it by then yes! is under maintenance hence the code is only applicable for in-store purchases of the Beaba Babycook.

I hope you found this review somewhat helpful for you in someway.

To all Mamas & Papas starting their Bubs on solids, happy experimenting!!

I decided to run a contest called Guess 'That Purple Beauty' item/product I was going to review. I had so much fun reading through all your guesses and interacting with you. Thank you so much for your participation and support. I might just run contests regularly just cause it feels good making someones day.
It's was pretty hard choosing a winner, most of you got it right!

Here it is, introducing our first ever That Skinny Elephant lucky winner, Ms Angel Ng!!!
Hit me up with your contact details Angel, your mystery gift awaits! 

Thank you once again for joining in the contest. More to come in the future ;)
Kisses of mushy broccoli from That Skinny Elephant.

*This post on Beaba Babycook Solo is a personal review based on my experience with this awesome machine. It is not sponsored a post


  1. Awww I am so glad you loved it. Petit suite made our (you know who) lives' easier. I know for sure you will be thinking of us every time you use the Beaba Baby cook! I'm so convinced that I will be getting my hands on one of the baby cook. Petit suite, you have one future customer here! :)

    1. I love it! and I am still using it. This one is a keeper. Love you babe

  2. Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi Veronica, thank you for dropping by!
