Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Solids - Bubba's 6th Month

Oh my Bubba.

Officially going bananas.

I started Bubba on solids when he was 6 months. If you are following my blog, I mentioned that he
hardly took in any. Just enough to taste.

I practised the 4 day rule for every new food that I introduce to him. I believe it's the best way to test for allergies. Most pediatricians and mommas will recommend the 4 day wait rule. Here's a write up
from Momtastic.

With regards to introducing solids, every mother has the right to feed their babies according to what they feel is best.
It's nice to hear mothers sharing their preferences, but sometimes some go a little overboard stating that their way is the right way.
Now, my point here is to share the choices that I have made. It does not mean it's the best but its what I believe is suitable for my boy.
Plus aren't we all here to learn, relate, and share together? What mothers could use from other mothers is support.

Okay, said my peace now steering back to Bubba's solids introduction. Heh.

The following are his first foods. I chose to start him off with fruits and vegetables pureè. I mixed in a little breastmilk to liquify it.

Pureè line up :

Sweet potato pureè + Breastmilk
I thought it was nice and sweet, he thought what in the world is this!!

Mashed Avocado + Breastmilk
He actually had a teaspoon. My gawd that was victory.

Mashed Banana + Breastmilk
Had quite a bit from finger feeding. Not much from a spoon. I'd say he quite liked it.

Pear pureè
Hooo mama..probably a waste of time. Ended playing with the bowl of pureè rather than eating. 

My observations:

  • He wasn't ready to receive food from a spoon. He eats more when fed using my finger tips.
  • If he ate, it would be 1-3 teaspoons. Which is fine because I presume he is still learning to understand the idea that there are other food than the usual breastmilk.
  • He is much more acceptable to the idea of eating about an hour after breastfeeding and when active. I avoid giving him solids when it's approaching nap time (super cranky + food goes everywhere but in his mouth, lesson learned for momma).
  • Accepts the taste and texture of mashed bananas but not quite ready to eat yet.
In between I stopped on and off (1 or 2 days) and reintroduce solids again. I don't want to force him if he's not ready.
To my surprise, in his 7th month, he ate half a bowl of mashed bananas!!!(added a little breastmilk).

I realised all I had to do was be patient and he will show me when he is ready and comfortable with the new idea of solids.

Fascinating isn't it how babies are all created to just 'know' what to do and when.

Instincts.  Powerful tool.

That pretty much sums up the solids experiment for Bubba at his 6th month.

I plan to do some mixing of pureès for his 7th month. Will definitely share it on my next solids post.

Baby Led Weaning on the other hand, has its advantages, but the method is too traumatising for my sanity. Haha.

Happy experimenting to all the mommas who have just started your lil ones on solids!!

My only advice, patience :)

Kisses of sweet potatoes from That Skinny Elephant.

Monday, 13 October 2014

My February

There I was staring blankly at this little person.
Not quite sure what to think. For the first time in my life I was completely Zen.
This is just wonderful.

Just hours before that, I haven't even gotten over the fact that I was pregnant, next thing you know, I'm on my way to the hospital, (yes epidural please), and pushing!
Whoaa. Overwhelmed.

A few hours after delivery. Bliss
Yes I had about 40 weeks to register the fact that I was expecting but trust me, it wasn't enough, especially when it's a surprise. 

Sometimes I think to myself, maybe that's why I had induced labour.  My Bubba was all excited to come out, (with the constant somersaults in my belly), fully engaged and ready. My body on the other hand was not.

I did not even experience Braxton Hicks or contractions. So for me, all the pain came at one go.
No no it's not a good thing. It's better to have some idea of how contractions feel like so you don't go 'ohmygawd fpfftbkzxtkl!!!' (you get the drift) on the day you're in labour. Sort of easing your way through rather than jumping into the pool.

So yes. Epidural. Everything in the labour room is now much calmer. Even the husband.

How they inject epidural?  With a massive 'currently occupied' belly, you must curl up as much as possible and stay still while an Anaesthesian injects at your lower back. The contractions were pretty painful so I honestly couldn't feel much of the jab.
Got the epidural in the morning and happily gave birth 5 hours later. Heee.

Due to the epidural I can't really feel my contractions (yeay), the nurse had to put her hands on my belly and feel for me. She will monitor the frequency between contractions. When the frequency between contractions becomes closer, thats when Bubba is on his way out. Yes. Another life. Coming out. From my body. Pretty amazing.

Now the nurse teaches me how to push. Everytime she feels a contraction, she says PUSH. Push like your life depends on it.

thatskinnyelephantI remember my man came to the side to hold my hand. I didn't think it was a good idea, because I would have fractured his fingers. I used the metal bed frame instead. Yup. Save the mans hands alright.

So we practised pushing for about 20 minutes and I heard 'ok I see his head now'. I was like what..already? I thought this was practise!! My husband was ecstatic and anxious at the same time, we both were.
HOmgawd. Bubba is comingggggg, Pushhhh!
I got excited. My head was about to blow from the pressure of pushing, cause I can't feel him coming out.
Doctor finally came in, all scrubbed up. I swear he is the most patient and gentle obstetrician I have met.

'Okay Shereena, give it your best push' he said. A few more huffs and puffs and at last, I heard the most magical cry.

Bubba is here. In my arms. Our baby boy.

Kisses of joy from That Skinny Elephant.

Thursday, 2 October 2014


Bubba has two teeth on its way up up up!
My breastfeeding journey is at a whole new level now. Whatever you are thinking, my sentiments exactly.

When Bubba turned 6 months, breastmilk is still his primary meal. I introduced solids as a complementary meal to encourage the exploration of tastes and textures.

No he did not eat much, or any in fact. Tried sweet potato, banana, pear and avocado, all pureèd. To be honest, I had this whole vision pictured out that he will eat a few spoons and we will all be merry. But nope.

Im just wondering, could it be because he was teething or simply not ready? Either way, I shall wait. Wait for his cue.

Even after researching, I did get worried, because his weight was stagnant.
Soooo I had a word with Ms Babyclopedia, my sis in law (my brother's wife). Heh.
What she said was simple. She reminded me 'food before one is just for fun!'.
I couldn't agree more.

Those days were different though. Old folks be like if a baby is looking at you while you are eating or tries to grab your food, means he is ready for solids.
Wrong (from my experience).
If that was true, Bubba will be eating solids at 3/4 months. Which kind of explains why some parents feed their babies by  the 6th week.

Babies will look and grab anything. They are curious!

I'm not a doctor or a lactation consultant but after doing a little online googlin' and inputs from Bubba's pediatrician, I feel it is wise to pro long the introduction of solids.

Why I choose to wait?
1. Digestive system is still maturing.
2. Babies will be able to indicate when they are full by moving their head away and/or using hand gestures as they are much more steady.
3. May interrupt efficient iron absorbtion.
4. May trigger allergies.
5. Keeps moms milk coming and may lower risks of pregnancy.
6. Has better control in swallowing

Here are some links that provides thorough explanation:

I have received numerous advice from ladies telling me to try feeding Bubba some sort of cereal at night. Apparently it will help him sleep through the night.
I take these advices openly, and appreciate it because they genuinely care.
Generally, that is what people think. Even me, before I learned about introducing solids of course. Matter of fact is that cereal is not as nutritious as milk(breastmilk/formula).I would rather wake up, again and again...and again.

Today at 7 months plus, Bubba went for it. He went towards the spoon!!!! Hooomygah!!
I swear I was so excited that I had to pause for awhile to understand that he is finally ready.

 The solids experiment begins. Boy oh boy, it's going to get messy and exciting!
If you'd like to follow me on this journey, the following are the links to Bubs month by month meals:

6th Month
7th Month
8th Month

Enjoy the read!

Kisses of mashed bananas from That Skinny Elephant.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

No Bake Cheesecake!

It was the weekend.
Mum came over.
I get to chill while my man and his momma in law takes care of Bubba. Heh.

So.....in the kitchen I go! Happy place I tell ya.

I felt like making something sweet and simple. Googled a couple of stuff and stumble upon no bake cheesecakes. Woooah simplest dessert ever! Plus I got me some cream cheese, so why not.

I simplified it even more using ingredients that I have ready.
You will notice I've put up pictures of a cupcake tray (yields appx 12 cupcakes) and the result of using a 9-inch springform pan. You can basically use either.

Before I start, I must add that this dessert is not something I would eat all the time because the condensed milk content is a little too crazy. The thing is once its chilled, you can't actually taste the condensed milk, just rich cream cheese! So it's easy to lose yourself in it!!

Beware. You've been advised :)

Inspiration : Delish

300g Digestive biscuits
2 tsps Sugar
150g Butter, melted

250g Cream cheese
350g Condensed milk
Half a lemon, juiced

1. Line a cupcake tray or 9-inch springform pan with liners.

2. Crush digestive biscuits into fine crumbs using a food processor.
If you don't own a food processor, like me, use a zip lock bag and crush away! Im sure your Bubbas would love to help.

3. In a large bowl, combined crumbs, sugar and melted butter. Press mixture onto liners (I used the bottom of a glass) and refrigerate.

4. In a separate bowl, on low speed, beat cream cheese till light and fluffy. Add in condensed milk in stages and lemon juice last, beat till just combined.

5. Pour filling onto base (about 2 tbsp for cupcakes) and pop it in the freezer for about 3 hours. 

Now this sweet thang melts fast and takes forever to set in the fridge.I prefer it to be in the freezer so I can take my time to savour every bite...mmmmph!

Below is a picture of my very first cheesecake. My sister is the sweetest person, she gave me the opportunity to make and present this cake on her hubby's birthday. Thanks sis!!

Buzz me up for orders if you ain't got the time to make, heee.

Kisses of sweet lovin cheesecakes from That Skinny Elephant.